Just Out!

New this summer 

GLR Cover 26.5The Lighter Side of Edward Gorey

New by Felice Picano!

From The Gay & Lesbian Review Sept-Oct 2019

For those men who had come onto the scene and come out fully as gay, someone like Gorey might have been a major embarrassment. Except for the fact that he was Edward Gorey, author of those “forty small books,” whose effect was anything but small. The first one that I recall was The Curious Sofa (1961), subtitled “A Pornographic Work by Ogdred Weary,” a book about a piece of furniture that apparently induced eroticism in the user (in keeping with the ’60s dictum that “anything goes”). All in the most precise, dispassionate language, the message can be subtly lascivious, with Gorey’s characteristically static, but often quite suggestive, illustrations. The caption to the penultimate frame of the book, when seemingly all the possibilities of living creatures’ physical combinations had been exhausted, is: “And many were the barks and giggles.” The tone is perfectly restrained even when he’s detailing utter perversity.

Read it HERE


izandtheeptIZ AND THE E.P.T.

Read the new short story from Felice Picano!

From Electronic Athenaeum - A Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy

Electric Athenaeum was inspired, in part, by the idea that science fiction, as a genre, is inherently collaborative. Readers and writers came together in clubs and at conventions to celebrate and discuss works of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and other, stranger works. The SFF subculture grew and flourished, fans became writers became critics became academics and so on, an ongoing feedback loop of creation and conversation.

Each issue of Electric Athenaeum aims to build on this idea and foster conversation around a specific theme or idea in SFF. Our debut issue, for example, focuses on the theme of For Future Generations and plays with ideas of conservation and sustainability, examines tropes including generation ships and terraforming, and questions what current generations owe to the future of humanity.

Read it HERE


sffandh"In the Field with Janet 201"
from The Worlds of SF, F & H, vol. IV

A new short story from Felice Picano

An anthology of stories in varying genres from around the world.

From the wonders created by Bo Balder to the mystery by Marcie Franks a vision of a world not like our own can be had. From Egypt to Germany these stories have come and in their union, they hope to deliver a wider world view than stories just from one nationality and nation.

The editor, Robert N Stephenson, is an award-winning author who believes the world can be better served by bringing our creative expressions together and an opportunity for different voices was created.

Order a print copy via Amazon



Culture Cult Magazine Cover - Summer 2019

"H.P. Lovecraft and Time"
 from Culture Cult Magazine

Read the first page of Felice's latest essay here and get a taste.  Then follow the links to the full article.

Visit the magazine at www.CultureCult.co.in   Follow it at Facebook
Order a print copy via Amazon
Order a digital copy (PDF) to read on all your electronic devices via www.lulu.com